P-Fit Round Two!

The 2nd Biggest Loser competition at my workplace, fondly known as P-Fit Round Two starts this Friday. It will be a 12-week session ending on Aug, 7th. There will be an overall cash prize at the end along with several challenges throughout. I, for one, think Round 1 should have had a tiara and am working diligently to obtain one for Round 2. If all else fails, I'll hoof it over to Burger King and pick up one of their fine paper crowns. Does Long John Silver's still have the pirate hats? Those would be cool, too. P-fit Pirates!


At $20 a person, P-Fit is cheaper than Weight Watchers and includes a fun, informal smack-talk atmosphere between co-workers. Last round brought sneakily placed Snickers bars around the office and competitors ordering pizzas for each other. Good times!

Here are my goals for this round:

  • 20 lbs (1.6 lbs per week)
  • Drop 2 more sizes
  • Definite definition in arms and abs
  • Complete Triathlon on Aug. 1st

How do I plan on doing this?

  • Training for triathlon - 2 workouts per week of each Swim, Run, Bike and Strength Training
  • Eat 5-6 meals/snacks per day, eating every 3 hours. Avoid sugars and refined foods focusing on un-processed as much as possible.
  • Log all food, water and fitness on thedailyplate.com
  • Water, water, water

A P-Fit group has been set up on Facebook for all participants and their supporters as a place to post events, ideas, recipes, plans, photos and the aforementioned smack-talkage.

Our total weight loss for Round 1 was 321 pounds. I fully expect us to beat that black and blue in true Chuck Norris fashion. And if you feel dizzy in August don't be scared. The Earth is just spinning a little faster due to our phenomenal poundage decimation.


Anonymous May 13, 2009 at 12:26 PM  

You're going down!! :)

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